Abigail S. – Philippe Saint-Albin School

Through bribes and intimidation, the men in high places ensured that the government would turn a blind eye while The Syndicate converted the small town of Altricham into a massive sex slave training compound. A special educational institute would be established and funded by the government. Every young girl in town was to be enrolled.

Soon, hundreds of daisy-fresh schoolgirls would be turned into obedient sex slaves. They'd be sold to the highest bidders. The generous patrons of the operation would, of course, be allowed to participate in the bidding ahead of time.

Abigail Spencer, the mayor's daughter, would be marched past her home for her father to see the fine work The Syndicate had done to his precious little girl. This was retribution against Abigail's father, who attempted to reveal what was happening in his town to the news.